The Robinson Film Center plans to spice up local screens with a new series of independent films. The nonprofit film center will bring "Half Nelson" (Ryan Gosling) to the Louisiana Boardwalk's Regal Cinemas in Bossier City on Nov. 2.
The once-only screening of "Half Nelson." will begin at 7:30 p.m. A ticket is $7.50.
What's significant here? "Half Nelson" is currently in arthouse theaters elsewhere. If this series is successful, local cinephiles won't have to drive to Dallas or wait months to see low-profile, Oscar-caliber movies through Netflix.
RFC plans to make the series semi-monthly.
To buy advanced tickets from RFC, call (318) 424-9090. Tickets can also be purchased at the theater on the night of the screening. RFC's Chris Jay advises folks to just show up at theater #8.
To see the trailer for "Half Nelson," click here.
Hey Alex (and "Louisiana Movies" readers), I just wanted to let you know that it's no longer neccessary to purchase tickets in advance. Tickets may be purchased in the auditorium, prior to the screening. Just show up in Theatre #8 at the Regal Boardwalk at 7:30, 11/2/06.
Chris Jay
Director of Programming & Marketing
The Robinson Film Center