Monday, October 23, 2006

An early look at 'Homeland Security,' now filming in Shreveport

I wrote a couple of big movie pieces today for The Times. One was a an overview of how north Louisiana is performing, and another is a cheeky story from a day on the set of "Homeland Security."

Director George Gallo was a great interview, and it was fun to watch Antonio Banderas and Colin Hanks work for a few hours.

Millennium Films graciously provided this early photo, credited to Jon Farmer/Nu Image.

Pictured are Meg Ryan, Selma Blair, Antonio Banderas and Colin Hanks. They are dining at Shreveport's most exclusive (and nonexistent) Albanian restaurant.


  1. I just happen to work there...okay in the nearby vicinty. Cool stuff all this movie making in the SB area. I'm gonna have to buy today's paper so I can read your articles. I normally just get Sunday's.
