Kathryn Usher, a blogger from the Shreveport area, recently posted details about a poster contest for "Factory Girl."
Most of the movie was shot here about a year ago. Scenes were added when the Weinsteins picked it up. Its makers are reportedly still cutting the film just days before its L.A. release date: Dec. 29.
Read a bit more on Usher's blog here.
Check out the movie's official website here, where you can find more info about the poster contest. The contest ends Jan. 31.
You can win some schwag (I want Warhol's hair or Sedgwick's mascara), plus a private screening.
If you make a poster, send it to me. I won't give you any prizes, but I might post it. Keep it clean, designers.
Hey! Thanks for the mention and the link. Just wish I had time to enter the poster contest.