Wednesday, January 17, 2007

'For Your Consideration' booked for RFC series

Chris Jay from the Robinson Film Center wrote to say:

"'For Your Consideration' is definitely ON! The event will be held Thursday, February 8, 7 p.m. at Regal Louisiana Boardwalk, in auditorium #2. We’ll have a little ticket table set up outside of the theatre where tickets may be purchased. Tickets will be $7.50. I’m working fiendishly to attempt to book March’s movie now as well, so we can (at least) announce the March movie at the February movie. The March film may or may not be “Pan’s Labyrinth,” but rest assured that would be my first choice.'"
Thanks, Chris. I'm sure there are some Guest aficionados out there, present company included. Parker Posey was charmingly nuts in "Best in Show."


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Pan's Labyrinth opens today at Cinemark Tinseltown, so there's no need for RFC to bother with it. Amazing.

  2. Cool. I might have to call in truant for the afternoon.

  3. Pan's Labyrinth is phenomenal. Don't miss it!

  4. This is torture! I can't see it until tomorrow at the earliest. I hope it's better than "Gigli."
