More news here, including an important development: Betty Jo LeBrun-Mooring resigns from Film Office.
Local industry officials have long been hoping to land a TV series, which would help develop the area's crew base.
On that note, there's an upcoming job fair for the movie industry. Local productions need to staff crews pronto:
What: Job fair for the film industy.
When: 2 to 6 p.m. Monday (Jan. 22).
Where: Shreveport's Riverview Hall, 600 Clyde Fant Parkway.
Seeking: electricians, accountants, electricians, makeup, costumes, wardrobe, construction workers, etc.
What to bring: résumés.
I hope the Prison Break writers intend to have an episdode(s) set in Shreveport. This show takes place in states and cities all around the country. Even if nothing is to be set in the Shreveport, I wonder to what extent the production company might locate there. Is it temporary or for the duration of the show? I'd like to see people's opinions.