Friday, January 11, 2008

Olivia Newton-John records tracks for 'Sordid Lives' at Fairfield Studios

Last weekend, Olivia Newton-John wandered into Fairfield Studios in Shreveport to record five songs for "Sordid Lives," and TV series currently being shot in Shreveport.

Fairfield Studio's Dana McCommon (pictured) was a fan of hers and remains a fan. Along with producer/writer Amy Sky, they spent 20-plus hours recording the tracks. "She’s as impressive as you’d think someone with a 40-year music career would be," McCommon said.


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I was on the Sordid Lives set when she sang some of those tunes. It was awesome!!

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Can't wait for the series and the new songs! More details please! Song titles?! Any chance there will be a CD released?

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Can't wait for the series and the new songs! More details please! Song titles?! Any chance there will be a CD released?
