Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Marge, wake the neighbors. I'm coming home!"

Movie Blog Boy is tuckered out from Oscar coverage and needs a nap and makeover.

He and his team of image-minded masterminds are taking five days think about a wholesale wardrobe change, regimented ab workouts, vitamin drinks, a chin implant, sleep schedules, and split infinitives.

(In actuality, he's tripping it to the Great Frozen North, but his fibs are more fun than reality.)

Expect my return to the office on Tuesday, March 4, when blogging will be resumed at full blast.

I have two requests for you, my friends:

1) Are you from The Shreve and headed to South by Southwest in Austin? I'll be there between March 6-9 to cover the film festival and need co-conspirators. Send me an email if you're as lonely as me.

2) If you have news about casting calls, new productions or runaway celebrities, please let my boss know or simply post your notice to the comments field.

In the meantime, what kind of Midwest schwag can I score for you? Walleye nuggets? A sundae from heaven? A bargain-bin deal on a suffering NBA franchise?


  1. Please make sure to visit Hoek's Pizza on 6th avenue, a SXSW must stop by and eat place. We used to call it "Death Metal Pizza" at KSCL.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I haven't been to SXSW in four years... How depressing.

    Anywho, have a great trip, Alexandyr. Though we know the real reason for your flee northward has more to do with a certain unnamed blog poster than chin implants.

    Be good. And beware shady folks with woodchippers!

  3. Certain unnamed poster is paying for said chin implants.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Hey Alex, have a safe trip. I might be heading down to SXSW. I haven't quite made up my mind yet.

    If I go, I'll send you a voicemail.

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I just came home from Columbus, OH -- be prepared for bitter cold up there. But, the cheese is good Ay.

  6. I rediscovered the wintry pleasure of the snotsicle this morning while shoveling an aunt's driveway. No pictures, unfortunately.
