What movie is premiering this weekend? "21!" Yes, but no, not really. "Superhero Movie!" Yes, but no again. "Jeffrey Goodman's 'The Last Lullaby,' a crime drama about a sleepy hit man named Price?" Yes, yes, finally yes!
The locally made indie premieres only at the AFI Dallas Int'l Film Festival on Friday (7:15 p.m. AMC Northpark 15, but it's rush line only). Whether you're with me or meta me, I'll bring you a little unfiltered hot and heavy coverage action. Strictly a PG affair, I assure you.
Do you have tickets? Are you going? Are you going to party? Are you gonna get your free drink on? Can you post bond? Lemme know. I'll be hanging all weekend in The Big D with The Shreve's JG.
PHOTO: Director Jeffrey Goodman. (Greg Pearson/The Times)
I hope it does GREAT. I'll be promoting our Tartan Day Festival at Obrien's on 29th but will be rooting for him anyway.