Saturday, August 09, 2008

Bernie Mac, 50, dies of pneumonia

Bernie Mac died today of pneumonia. The comedian and actor was 50.

Mac recently worked in Shreveport, having co-starred in "Soul Men" with Samuel L. Jackson. The movie is due in theaters in November.
E! Online has collected tributes to Mac, and Jackson had this to say about him and the movie:

"It goes without saying that Bernie was one of the preeminent comedians of our generation. He was also an attentive husband, a great father and loving grandfather. I feel blessed to have shared years of friendship with Bernie Mac and I'm honored to have finally co-starred with him in what I consider to be his finest cinematic acting achievement. My sincere prayer is that his family will be comforted by the warmth of love from all of us who knew and respected this man."

Locally, I received this tribue from Rick Todd, a scenic painter with Local 478:

"We would like to send our thoughts and prayers out to Bernie Mac's family and friends via your site. The paint and construction crew of Bernie's and Sam Jackson's movie the 'Soul Men' were really surprised at how down to earth Bernie was, he would always make an effort to speak with us and compliment our work unlike most of the stars that have graced Shreveport, Bernie would always comment that the movie wouldn't happen without carpenters and the scenic painters. Thanks Bernie you will be missed."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    First Bernie Mac, now Isaac Hayes. Is the cast of Soul Men cursed?
