Monday, February 02, 2009

Civil Rights video series debuts

Hey, y'all. Apologize for my recent LaMovBlog neglect, but I've been up to my eyebrows in Avid Express Pro. For a few weeks, we've been finalizing a video series called Civil Rights: Then & Now for The Times' website. It features eight interviews with local pioneers and current leaders. We hope the series provides a solid overview of the Civil Rights Movement in Shreveport.

Why did we do it?

For starters, we revisit these stories annually in the paper and thought it was time to showcase these subjects in their own voices. They have important stories to tell, and a permanent website will make them more accessible.

Secondly, our newsroom is fully aware of how new media technologies have transformed the media consumer. These videos might reach an audience we otherwise wouldn't.

Thirdly, and personally speaking, I just like video production. Getting a chance to help these subjects tell their stories is pretty rewarding. You'll here my voiceover on the Curtis Joseph Jr. video.

Unfortunately, the series doesn't qualify for the state's production tax credit! (I put a lot of Louisiana labor into it, dagnabbit.)

Check out the site when you get a chance. Let us know what you think.


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    The editing is BRILLIANT.

  2. Thankee. But you should credit Roderick Jaynes.
