Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar day has finally arrived

This morning, I'm powering up for the Oscars with a bagel and some last-minute surfing.

What's going to win best picture, and what deserves to win? I asked cinephile chris-brad to help answer that question in today's Times. Check out this article.

What films got left out of the nominations? Robinson Film Center's Chris Jay asked that question for this week's installment of "The Big Picture," a radio blog that broadcasts on Red River Radio on Friday afternoons. You can listen to Chris Jay talk to us by clicking on this MP3.

Have you entered your pics to compete in the LaMovBlog contest? You have until 6 p.m. (Central) to do so. Nominations are here. Just enter your predictions for what will win in the comments. What will you get if you win? A certificate that says you're "Keener than a Times reporter," like this one.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Check out:

  2. Anonymous6:27 PM

    OK.... Let's get this show on the road. Nothing like a three-hour build-up to the (shudder) inevitable.

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Random pre-show thought:

    Remember the golden days when Barbara Walters had people on her pre-Oscar show who were ACTUALLY FASCINATING?

    The Jonas Brothers? Is she kidding me?

    Hey, kids! Look, it's your tween obsession. Now let's stay tuned to watch a celebration of reverse aging, 30-year old political intrigue, sex and Holocaust crimes, civil rights, and the glorification of poverty!

    No wonder the Oscars can't get an audience.

  4. Didn't quite get the thinking behind that either. Rourke was pretty good, though.

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I just want to thank my dogs. and give barbara walters a lap dance.

  6. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Rourke is always a good interview.

    Too bad she couldn't land a post-Letterman Joaquin Phoenix. THAT would have been gold.
