While pursuing the ongoing story about tax credit legislation, I found a pretty solid resource. Ed Metz, of Robert Berning Productions in New Orleans, just started the Movie Tax Credits Report. The site features news about tax incentive programs from all around the country.
I added a feed widget to my blog on the right hand side (scroll down a wee bit).
Ed and I spoke last week about his interest in setting up the site. Like many in the biz, he'd noticed a major uptick in discussion about incentive legislation and wanted to provide folks with a resource to find current news.
"All of the activity has gotten very intense," Metz said. "Some states are jumping on board with both feet, and other states are giving it more scrutiny with how the money is spent."
The scrutiny will be particularly intense during the coming weeks as Gov. Jindal, Louisiana Economic Development, legislators and industry leaders begin hammering out legislative plans for 2009.
Let's get incentives up to 30% or Georgia will be the new Louisiana.