Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Trailer: 'Wonderful World' starring Matthew Broderick

Shot in The Shreve. Thoughts?


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    It feels like they shot a script that didn't have enough explanation to even fill up the trailer. I want to see it- hopefully the movie is better than the trailer.

  2. Patrick9:10 AM

    This trailer makes me realize how much I really miss Don LaFonatine.

  3. This looks like a nice piece of work, which we should expect from Matthew Broderick. He chooses projects well. And his daughter starred in Tideland, where she showed her ability to do the same thing. Thumbs up, wonderful world. I'll drop 9 bucks on you.

  4. Kinda "Wristcutters a love storyish" maybe. I love me some bleak. Still want to write a script about the raw and barren life I imagine that is along Highway 80...

  5. This looks horrible... Hopefully I'm wrong.
