Wednesday, September 16, 2009

‘Unearthed’ needs extras

The feature film "Unearthed" is in preproduction and needs to book extras, says Ryan Glorioso of Glorioso Casting. Specifically needed:

  • Males and females, ages 18 to 70
  • Native American, Hispanic or multiethnic
  • To play tribal warriors or "tribal types"

To register, click here.

Project will shoot for four weeks beginning Sept. 28.


  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hey, Alexander, let's not forget about Julia-X shooting up in Oil City!! A six week shoot!! And a bigger budget!! with hardly anything goin on around here, I am surprised that one has fallen through the crack!!

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Question. Why was this posted on Wednesday, when Glorioso Casting was already conducting auditions on Monday? Why the time lapse with this post? Curious.

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

    My question is what is this "Julia-X"? Im curious to hear more....
