Sunday, November 18, 2007

Stories from 'The Mist': Part 1

My Times coverage for "The Mist" is rockin' along. You can read today's efforts here (Frank Darabont), here (extras) and here (local "food").

The extras were kind enough to send in some of their anecdotes from the set. Here are excerpts from some of their emails. No spoilers here.

Lorie Knighton (pictured with Jeannie and Johnny): "One of my favorite parts (even though they never used us) was when four of us got to get bloody. They made us up, but never did anything with us. But all day long I was running around with busted nose and blood. I was really acting silly -- in fact -- was outside and for ... giggles, a mid aged couple was walking down the street and I leaned over the edge and had a horrified look on my bloody face and scared the holy crap out of them. I immediately told them it was makeup and thank god they did not have a heart attack!!!! And later that evening was smoking a cig and this guy came up to me and was truly worried that I had been hurt. I think he was a little drunk, cause it took him awhile for it to sink in that I told him it was makeup and a movie. It was hilarious."

Lauren Hillman: “I read your article about Marcia and Frank speaking so highly of the extras. I just wanted to write you and let you know just as highly as they think of us, I can assure you everyone of us feels the same way. Frank, Marcia, Kasey, Paula, George, the list goes on and on. Every one of the cast and crew were amazing! I talked with Marcia Gay Harden in between shoots one day and she just sat and visited with me like she had know me her whole life."

Margaret Wren: “On the movie set of ‘Stephen King’s The Mist,’ the extras spent over a month ‘trapped’ in a small grocery store together. As time went along we became like family to each other, we ate, laughed, slept, dressed, used the bathroom together, and even had a little drama here and there!”

Zoe McCombs: “I was on the set for one day and at the back of the store. I could see that I would be bored so I started straightening the shelves. Within minutes the head of props came over and told me to leave the things alone as we had ‘a storm last night’ he said. I knew I wouldn't be seen so I pulled a huge pack of Charmin' from the shelves and sat on it.”

I'll share more anecdotes tomorrow.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed working The Mist. I stood on top of the rail watching the fight between the 2 forces in the grocery store. Wow, how interesting! I saw and heard the gun go off and with great poise hopped right down and slid so fast down to the floor like I disappeared as a ghost and hid behind that counter.

    We did it over and over again and it was quite fun. I got good exercise.

    The movie was very realistic.

    Great experience.

    Susie Labry

  2. I was on for only a couple of shots in Vivian but I truly had a great time being with a great group of people. Unfortunately I had to take an ambulance ride after my running scene, LOL Doing great now though . waiting for tomorrow.
    John Roberts
