Extras spent weeks with the cast and crew of "The Mist." The apocalyptic tale traps townsfolk inside a grocery store, where they defend themselves from other-worldly monsters and fight a shared fear of the unknown. Marcia Gay Harden's performance as Mrs. Carmody, the group's doomsday machine, earned rave reviews from the extras. (In the pic, Harden's got the purse.)
Here are a few extras' stories.
Michael Wilburn: "It was truly an exhausting, yet exhilarating experience. I learned so much. Just an acting class working with Marcia Gay Harden, William Sadler, at others in such intimate surroundings for so many days would cost thousands of dollars. There were many moments of which I learned so much about various aspects of the movie industry. And particularly one defining moment in a scene which Marcia Gay Harden and myself seem to be exactly on the same page of what can only be described as a crazed sense of horror deep within her being. As she whispered her lines she turned and we made eye contact, my eyes widened and I shivered watching the master of her craft ... her ghostly stare was so haunting. No sooner than Frank Darabont yelled cut, Mrs. Harden turned toward me with a smile. I smiled back as if we both knew as they say, 'she nailed it.' She honestly brought me to another level of which I will most likely never achieve again."
Darlene Davis: "I did several scenes with Ms. Harden during the earthquake, and in the beginning when the first man runs in from the mist. I guess I was an official screamer, I am very easily spooked and every time something scary happened I screamed. I apologized to Frank several times, he said it was great that he had someone with a natural scream. And he got it."
Dusty Graham: "Ms. Harden and Darabont could talk extras into walking into fire, they were so inspiring. What a privilege. Who would have thought at age 62, in Shreveport, La. I would work five weeks on a movie set? All my Texas relatives who wonder why I still live in Louisiana are green with envy and their mouths are hanging open to think that movies are made in Shreveport. Can't wait for the movie. I even saw myself in the preview!!!!"
Dodie Brown (pictured): "It has been by far the most fabulous movie experience ever for me and my 7 year old daughter, Taylor. What a blessing to be cast in a Stephen King movie directed by the great Frank Darabont in a mother/daughter role with my actual daughter! We were both upgraded as principal actors ('screaming woman' and 'screaming child') and therefore both became eligible to join the Screen Actors Guild! Director Frank Darabont was full of energy and very motivational despite the long hours. Marcia Gay Harden, whose performance as Mrs. Carmody was amazing, will hopefully received special recognition for a job very well done!"
More anecdotes tomorrow.
Thank you Mr Kent for giving all this wonderful coverage of The Mist Extras!! You have made us feel like real movie stars!!
ReplyDeleteMargaret Wren