Want to see the movie that beat "Pan's Labyrinth" in the foreign language film category for the 2006 Oscars? Since "Pan" was among the best movies I've ever seen -- "Pan" and "Children of Men" got hosed by the Academy -- I'm eager to see why "The Lives of Others" was voted the best.
Haven't seen the German film, and I'm expecting an absolute stunner.
You can see "The Lives of Others" on the big screen May 24 as part of the Robinson Film Center Presents series.
WHAT: "The Lives of Others," Oscar winner for 2006 foreign film.
WHEN: 7 p.m. May 24.
WHERE: Regal Cinemas Louisiana Boardwalk 14, Bossier City. (Auditorium 3.)
COST: $7.50.
INFO & RESERVATIONS: Chris Jay at (318) 424-9090.
Where's poster Chris-Brad when I need him? We're still not done fighting about the Oscars and "Little Miss Sunshine!"
I too am wondering what beat out "Pan's Labyrinth." I'll be there.
Hey guys, just don't expect action and visual thrills a la "Pan's Labyrinth" from this film and you won't be disappointed. I drove to Dallas to see this before I booked it, just to be sure I was doing the right thing. It really is incredible, though in a completely different way than "Pan." Chris, please introduce yourself at the screening! I need to meet all of the local film nuts!
Chris Jay, answer this one question. Does "Lives" have a barf-itself-inside-out toad? I thought not.
And neither did "Sunshine," dadgummit!
Lives of Others is a phenomenal film, and even though I loved Pan's Labyrinth, it takes the cake. Anyone who loves great indy cinema should not miss that screening!
Don't worry, Alexandyr, I'm still here (life got in the way just a bit!)... And I am still mad I got that pick wrong. While I agree "The Departed" should have won, I still to this day defend "Sunshine" since it was an ensemble piece and actors do most of the voting. I had an off day, I suppose.
As to "Lives," one of my friends who lives in Boston had a chance to see this. She said it was "amazing." Now, how it can be better than "Pan's" I'd like to know, so I will try to see it here (before the eventual DVD). And even though I've read very good reviews for the flick, I just have my doubts. The storyline sounds interesting, but I just can't see it being the better film.
Chris Jay, I introduce myself every time I call you or when you call me for that matter.
-Chris Lyon.
There, I changed my display name!
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