Check out their hilarious production blog here.
The movie is based on a book of true short stories by Tucker Max, who is producing and writing the movie. The feature will be directed by Bob Gosse.
The book is currently no. 10 on The New York Times bestseller list for paperback nonfiction -- a three-year run, no less -- and is billed as “reflections of a self-absorbed, drunken womanizer.”
"We take a lot of elements and incidents from the book, but it is not a direct adaptation of the story," Tucker wrote in an email.
He said his production chose Shreveport for similar reasons than everybody else. “Great rebate, and a cheap place to film,” Tucker wrote. “We only have a $6 million budget so every bit helps.”
I also asked him if there was a connection between Shreveport and hell we didn't know about. "You live there, you can speak to that better than me," Tucker said. "I have a buddy who served at Barksdale, he says it's only a stone throw from hell."
I take it his buddy found my Hello Kitty shrine.
The team should arrive in The Shreve within a week for preproduction. If you're crew and need a job, send your resumes to general@rudiusmedia.com.
Tucker Max is the truth. While he may be guilty of a little grab ass, those stories are hilarious and he says things I think every true player has thought, done (or want to have done) at one point or another.
My friend Joe gave the best point when he questioned; 'How does he remember this stuff (I wouldn't if I were that drunk) - I don't know how he remembers, but I'm glad he does!
Tucker Max is such a one trick pony. All of his stories read the same.
His one trick netted him a movie deal, a NY Times bestseller, and an inevitable boat-load of money.
Not to mention your attention.
Hi hater!
TheGC is a useless vacuum of oxygen. That is all.
I think Donald Rumfind will win the next presidential election. I hope Donald Rumfind will win the next winter olympics.
I'm planning on farting all over the place when I go to see this movie.
I bet your farts smell like roseberries. I could really go for a piece of butter cake right now.
I bet your farts smell like roseberries. I could really go for a piece of butter cake right now.
I need Donald Rumsfind to win something immediately. I'm gonna buy him a million thousand scratch off tickets.
Buy one of those scratch and sniff stickers for Donald Rumsfind. He's gonna win the playoffs in that hockey tournament. So far the pennsylvania penguinators are beating up the delaware right wings.
You're breath stinks
At least we know we won't be serving beans and BBQ at the local premiere.
LOL Tucker is a poser. One of my friends noes him and says that more than half (at least 80%) of his stories are not true. This article is probably just plageurized anyway.
at least he can spell properly
When you guys attend Duke Law School, spend half your time there drinking, banging hot (albeit, naive) girls, and living in Cancun, then throwing away a $150,000+ education on starting your own business based solely on yourself and staff it with your best friends so they can make money, then you can talk. Instead, shut the fuck up and let the man talk while he still has your ear, and now eyes.
That's good point, Nick. Let me generalize it: until you start your own cult of personality based upon your reputation for engaging in low-level immorality, you cannot criticize those who do. Which reminds me, I'm going to rescind every nasty thing I've said about the Moonies or Scientology--those guys are rich!
It's amazing when the haters come out. Who cares if the guy is full of shit or not?
Tucker Max has:
1. Graduated from Duke Law School
2. Started an online media company
3. Been on the NY Times Bestseller list multiple times.
4. Someone who is going to play him in a movie.
I'd say that if he is full of shit, he's got an amazing team to cover for him. Because in the world he operates in (online), he'd have been exposed as a fraud long, long ago.
So haters, keep hating. You have a purpose, and that is to fuel people like Tucker to greater things.
Well.... filming is going on in Shreveport, Louisiana. Insiders say that on todays shoot involving female strippers, an openly gay man was asked to leave the set following a scene in which he had to "swipe" a credit card down her backside reminisent of "Jack and Karen" of Will and Grace. The stripper, who reportedly works in the adult film industry, asked Glorioso casting to have the man removed from the set insinuating "sexual harassment". Apparently, the "stripper" was unaware of the sexual orientation of the extra. Insiders report that following the young man's departure, there was much verbal "gay bashing". Another gay extra subsequently walked off the set, feeling uncomfortable as a result of the name calling and open discussions (i.e. "c@$cksucker", "yuk", etc). Other female strippers on the set were reportedly dumfounded by the young man's dismissal, and openly verified that the gentleman who was asked to leave was in no way, shape or form inappropriate with the stripper/adult film star. Other observers on the set concurred. Shame on Glorioso Casting for not standing up for the young man, shame on the set director for allowing the continued derogatory remarks. I, for one, will definitely not see this movie.
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