If you want to be in an online video ad/short film for Hell’s Coffee – I’m guessing their java explodes into an inferno when you add sugar – here’s your chance.
Local filmmaker Brenda Lovelady (pictured below) will shoot the ad soon. The two- or three-minute piece will be a take-off on “The Blair Witch Project,” and somehow, it will follow the company’s slogan: “Roasted on the Darkside.” (They actually have a roast called “Perkatory.”)
Hell’s Coffee is a Seattle-based brand. (Note to my Seattle source: “Is this stuff hot or what?”)

“Acting experience helpful but not necessary. Pay will be token only with screen credit given to participants,” Brenda wrote in an email.
Open parts include: “Ashley, a headstrong 16- to 20-year-old female lead; Daryl, an arty 16- to 20-year-old male co-lead; Terrance, a sensitive 16- to 20-year-old male supporting role; and the Devil, a 25- to 45-year-old male with shaved head and goatee.”

Brenda also needs crew. Interested:
(318) 655-4392 or blovelady@hauntedcampfire.com.
Personally, I think the ad should also include the following café exchange between waitress and diner. It won’t, though:
ASHLEY: “Coffee hot enough for ya, Daryl?”
DARYL: “Burns like hellfire, Ashley.”
ASHLEY: “You deserve it, Daryl.”
DARYL: How much do I owe you, Ashley?”
ASHLEY: “Your soul, Daryl.”
DARYL: “Put it on my tab, Ashley.”
(Cue devilish laugh.)
Hmm. I don't know Hell's Coffee. But then again, I don't drink coffee. Their iced lattes aren't called "When hell freezes over," are they?
No clue. But one those would go well with a Beelzebub biscotti.
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